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Results from ELabs web retrieved at 12:44 (GMT)

Website Checklist and Troubleshooting Checklist Summary: * Check website regularly: * Login as admin cosmic: * View all analyses *...
CIMA data loss On Mar 7, Dorin G reported to Ken that CIMA data had been lost during a Master Class: It all went fairly smoothly, except that some of our analysed...
r5 - 2016-03-11 - 00:03 by jgriffith
Database Configuration The machine is our database server. It runs both PostgreSQL and MySQL PostgreSQL Configuration * Version 8.4 * Data ...
r5 - 2013-08-07 - 18:17 by forero
ELabs Development Systems The VMs {name} purpose i2u2 prod Server for e Labs site i2u2 dev Development prior to deplo...
Progress on developer info both for the analyses ? Tibi is working stripped down version of pieces you need for an analysis. ? Make a generic e Lab based on the ...
NEW - 2007-01-17 - 20:33 by LizQuigg
Present: Tibi, Liz, Mike Jr., Bob and Tom J. (Mike at end) VDC for www13 Tibi made new VDC that isempty ? should we bring in the VDC from production or should w...
r5 - 2007-04-25 - 20:29 by LizQuigg
Present: Tibi, Liz, Mike Jr. (Mihael), Bob and Tom J. Routing of users from Liz reported rollout of new pages for onto production...
Meeting Notes for 10 October 2007 Present: Liz, , Mihael, TomL, TomJ, Bob Absent: Eric, Mike Refactored Code and By Products Mihael using JMeter on www12. We w...
r6 - 2007-11-21 - 22:23 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 16 January 2008 Present: Dan K, Tom L., Tom J. Bob, Liz, Mihael, Eric; Absent: Mike W., Randy., K. Whelan, Joao Problem with Uploading in Cosm...
r7 - 2008-01-23 - 17:48 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 5 March 2008 Present: Liz, Tom L., Joao, Bob; Absemt: Eric, Dan K, Mike W., Randy., Kris, Mihael, Tom J. Results from Workshops/Student Testin...
r6 - 2008-03-25 - 16:39 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 26 March 2008 Present: Liz, Tom J., Mihael, Eric (showed up late, after his class) Absemt: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Tom L., Joao, Bob, Mar...
Meeting Notes for 2 April 2008 Present: Eric, Bob, Tom L., Tom J., Mihael, Liz; Absemt: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao Supercomputing K12 education workshop...
r11 - 2008-04-23 - 02:00 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 30 April 2008 Present: Bob, Tom J., Tom L., Mihael, Liz, Eric; Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao Handling errors Mihael seems to be g...
r5 - 2008-05-15 - 19:00 by EricMyers
Meeting Notes for 18 June 2008 Present: Bob, Tom L., Mihael, Liz, Eric Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J. Tom Loughran's Report: Need for Telecon...
Meeting Notes for 16 July 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric, Tom L. Liz Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J., Bob Modes of working #8211; SVN We discussed...
r6 - 2008-07-16 - 18:58 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 23 July 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric, Tom L. Liz Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J., Bob IT job We discussed strategies for findin...
Meeting Notes for 30 July 2008 Present: Tom L, Mihael, Eric, Liz Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J., Bob Progress on Action Items from Last Week: ...
r11 - 2008-08-01 - 23:06 by LizQuigg
Meeting Notes for 6 August 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric, Liz, Tom L. Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J., Bob We had some minor problems at the beginn...
Meeting Notes for 20 August 2008 Present: Mihael, Eric, Liz, Tom J, Tom L., and Alan Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Bob Telephone Number for Telecon ...
Meeting Notes for 8 October 2008 Present: Mihael, Tom L., Eric Absent: Liz, Tom J., Bob LIGO multiple channel plots Eric reported that he's near to releasing a...
r6 - 2008-10-09 - 12:16 by EricMyers
Meeting Notes for 25 February 2008 Present: Liz, Marge, Phong, Bob,, TomL Absent: Mihael, Eric, TomJ Action Items * Phong will send out an email to find a go...
r30 - 2009-02-25 - 17:47 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 3 March 2009 Present: Liz, Marge, Bob, Mihael, Eric, TomL, TomJ Absent: Phong (ill) We went over Marge #8217;s Gantt Chart (excel spreadsheet)...
Meeting Notes for 01 Jul 2009 Present: Liz, Phong, Bob, Eric, TomL Absent: Marge, Mihael, TomJ Common * Process questions for the e Lab tests are apparently p...
r22 - 2009-07-01 - 17:06 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 15 Jul 2009 Present: Marge, Liz, Phong, Mihael, TomL Absent: Bob, TomJ, Eric Action Items * Posters gone missing on LIGO www18 Phong'll in...
r36 - 2009-07-15 - 17:29 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 16 September 2009 Present: Liz, Phong, TomL, Mihael, Dan Absent: Marge, Eric, TomJ, Bob General * SWIFT has money for maintenance work * ...
r18 - 2009-09-16 - 17:11 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 17 Mar 2010 Present: Phong, Bob, Mihael, Liz Absent: TomL, TomJ, Marge Action Items * Switch LIGO data pull cronjob (and processing) to be e...
r22 - 2010-03-17 - 17:15 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 24 Mar 2010 Present: Phong, Bob, Mihael, Liz, TomL Absent: TomJ, Marge Common * Need to deduplicate a whole bunch of stuff that is in common...
r26 - 2010-03-24 - 17:04 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 28 Jul 2010 Present: Phong, Mihael, TomL, Liz Absent: Bob, Marge, TomJ Common * New hardware inbound we need to schedule a time to get it...
r16 - 2010-07-28 - 16:55 by PhongNguyen
Meeting Notes for 1 Aug 2012 Present: Phong, TomJ, Liz Absent: Marge, Bob Common * China workshop revealed all sorts of issues * Our existing VDS metadatab...
NEW - 2012-08-01 - 15:38 by phongn
Meeting Notes for 6 Mar Present: TomJ, Liz, Bob, Edit General * Stress test for www18: * Tom and Mihael working to fix for the code for the estimator. ...
r2 - 2013-03-20 - 18:43 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 24 July Present: Liz, Ken, Edit General * Posters: Ken pointed out that we might need to retrieve/view only published posters (by default). ...
NEW - 2013-07-24 - 18:55 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 21 Aug Present: Liz, Ken, Edit General * Posters: * Publishing posters: first phase is going to be ready on 13 for everybody testing ...
NEW - 2013-08-21 - 18:00 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 28 Aug Present: Bob, TomJ, Liz, Ken, Edit General * Posters: * Publishing posters: * first phase is ready for testing at ww...
NEW - 2013-08-28 - 19:32 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 4 September Present: Bob, TomJ, Liz, Edit General * Posters: * Poster tags: Bob and Tom are going to come up with a preliminary list ...
r2 - 2013-10-23 - 20:52 by eperonja
* Priorities Analyses Two issues: 1 Providing better feedback to user regarding the status of their jobs so they don t sit and wait for it to finish. 1 How...
NEW - 2013-10-07 - 17:35 by liz
Notifications: Bob uses the old interface that supports News and FAQs. He is hoping that the new notifications code will also provide an interface for updating hi...
r2 - 2013-10-23 - 20:48 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 13 Nov Present: Liz, Bob, TomJ, Edit All e Labs * Allow users to reset password feedback: * Review messages: Edit will send all mes...
r2 - 2013-11-21 - 15:13 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 20 Nov Present: Liz, Bob, TomJ, Edit All e Labs * Allow users to reset password: * Need feedback to roll out. * Poster Tags: ...
NEW - 2013-11-21 - 15:12 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 4 Dec Present: Liz, Bob, TomJ, Edit All e Labs * Allow users to reset password: will roll out code to production the weekend of 7th Dec. ...
NEW - 2013-12-05 - 20:13 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 27 Feb Present: TomJ, Liz, Ken, Bob, Edit General * Stress test for www18: * We need to get the estimator back to working. Set up vpn ...
NEW - 2013-03-05 - 22:31 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 30 Oct Present: Ken, Bob, TomJ, Edit General * Data4: data2 was replaced yesterday by data4 with the help of Dan Olson from systems at Argon...
NEW - 2013-10-30 - 16:27 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 30 Oct Present: Ken, Bob, TomJ, Edit General * Data4: data2 was replaced yesterday by data4 with the help of Dan Olson from systems at Argon...
NEW - 2013-10-30 - 16:25 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 30 Oct Present: Ken, Bob, TomJ, Edit General * Data4: data2 was replaced yesterday by data4 with the help of Dan Olson from systems at Argon...
NEW - 2013-10-30 - 16:54 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 12 Feb Present: Bob, Liz, Edit, TomJ General * Next steps for the e Labs: * We all worked on a list in Drupal. Tom will send the link...
NEW - 2014-02-12 - 21:58 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 7 May Present: Bob, Liz, TomJ, Ken, Edit Cosmic * Cosmic Analysis Queue: * We discussed on how the queue was implemented and rolled o...
r2 - 2014-05-21 - 16:37 by eperonja
Meeting Notes for 14 September Present: Joel, Liz, Sudha, Tom CMS Tom has included the ability to capture correlated histograms as images in the new e Lab cod...
Meeting Notes for 16 November Present: Liz, Joel, Sudha Drupal Some discussion of Xeno Media's upgrade proposal, but we still need input from Marge and Ken. *...
Meeting Notes for 22 February Present: Liz, Marge, Ken, Sudha, Joel, Mark, Kevin M Drupal * Xeno Media is working on bringing the theme together with function...
Meeting Notes for 1 March Present: Liz, Marge, Ken, Sudha, Joel, Mark, Tom Drupal * Kevin couldn't join the telecon today, but he'll have updates by next week...
Meeting Notes for 15 March Present: Sudha, Mark, Marge, Ken, Tom, Kevin, Liz, Joel Drupal * Kevin reports that we're close to having the theme and content int...
Meeting Notes for 4 October Present: Sudha, Senem, Mark, Tom, Joel, Adam, Shane, Ken Drupal * Senem has arranged so that Sudha can deploy directly to producti...
Meeting Notes for 8 November Present: Sudha, Joel, Ken, Shane, Mark, Liz * Sudha shows an example of something about images hardcoded into the pa...
Cosmic LIGO CMS i Lab e Lab Requriements x x x x Use authentic data for scientific investigations that students design. / / / ...
r6 - 2009-01-07 - 16:27 by MihaelHategan
QuarkNet Developers' Wiki This is the Developers' Notebook for the NSF funded QuarkNet e Labs education project. The e Labs are a science education project where...
Number of topics: 54

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