Meeting Notes for 30 July 2008

Present: Tom L, Mihael, Eric, Liz
Absent: Dan K, Mike W., Randy, Kris, Joao, Tom J., Bob

Progress on Action Items from Last Week:

Good Posters for e-Labs

Tom L. looking for posters for e-Labs. Tom had no existing posters that he could put in. See next item.

Legacy Posters

Mihael is going to try to get the poster content and images from Tibi's old e-Lab. Mihael did not have time for this. He will try to find it today. The data files with the poster content should be saved under the teacher with research group SJHSRC. There is no simple way to make these appear in the new e-Lab since they will still need to be added to the VDC so basically Tom will have to recreate the poster with the content from the data files. He will probably have to recreate the plots as well.

More Testing of e-Labs

Tom did not do any testing of LIGO; Dale is preparing for August 11-12 LIGO workshop. Eric told Dale to let him know if there is anything that needs changing. Tom L. found a couple of items in the CMS e-Lab that needs to be changed (Text and links; most in the site index page).

Action Item: Tom L. will put them in Bugzilla with the subject of “Clean up CMS e-Lab”;

Action Item: Liz will fix them and put the in SVN.

Wiki Page about Postersi.

Eric wrote is ideas about poster implementation, so the rest of us should look at it: Posters

Status of shower study test

Tom J. made some suggestions to the Notre Dame group doing the shower study test. (e.g., matching cable lengths, matching clock frequencies etc.) Tom L. said were using a big gate width so some of this should not be a problem. Randy had another suggestion. Mihael wanted a bug report on this. The group found the intermediate files created in the testing and passed them on to Dan K. The data are uploaded so anyone can play with them. Tom L. will try to find out more.

Eric’s Status Report

Saving plots from Bluestone into e-Lab (Eric)

Eric was able to work through the uploadimage interface; as a proof of concept it works; The images are tagged as 'uploadedimage' rather than 'plot'. The upload form does not allow for storing metadata. Liz suggested he should be using save.jsp to get the metadata in. Eric looked at the code and realized that save.jsp does a direct copy of the plot file from the local filesystem, which works for cosmics but not for an external source.. Both Liz and Mihael pointed out that he could be using some of the code from save.jsp, though not the copying part. Eric had already tried to add code to uploadImage.jsp to get metadata, but that did not work. Mihael suggested that he could overload save.jsp to do this. Eric suggests either modifying uploadImage.jsp to collect metadata and allow the type to be 'plot', or clone that file as uploadPlot.jsp to do that. Eric and Mihael will work further on this together.

Eric says the user still has to go through a login step, to give Bluestone the research group and password, even if the user has already logged in to the e-Lab site. This may be confusing to the users, and he'd like to reduce or remove it. The point is that they are granting Bluestone access to the e-Lab. He has ideas on how to deal with this, but it may persist until Bluestone is run from Eric and Mihael will talk and sort this out.

Eric hopes this can be deployed by the August 11-12 workshop.

Tomcat server

Eric would like a separate Tomcat server set up so he can use it to do the more radical changes and test them. He can connect to the SVN repository from this. He will do the minor corrections to the e-Lab on www13.

Action Item: Mihael will do this. He will put it on one of the other machines (e.g., www10 or www15) so the port is open.

Action Item: Mihael needs to increase the session time for the e-Lab. Eric finds it is too short. Mihael thinks it is one minute.

CMS/SWIFT project

Mihael will be able to devote one week of programming time for CMS dedicated time.

IT Job

Mihael and Mike are going to look at the applications. Everyone should be contacting colleagues about the job. Tom L. can network today a the SC2008 meeting he’s attending.

Action Item: Liz is going to see if she can post the paper version around Fermilab.

Enhancement to Cosmic e-Lab

Tom L. noted the frustrating experience of students working with the data. Students want to know what data is available and at what times for a particular date. Mihael had some ideas, but no time. Eric said he wanted a comparable functionality for LIGO data and suggested a display like the old Windows 95 disk defragmentation display.

Action item: Tom L. will add it as an enhancement request in Bugzilla. (Eric will build his into Bluestone later, probably as a "data quality" workflow/transformation.)

Cosmic detector information

This involves how to consolidate the two projects that are going on: collecting DAQ detector information using forms (Bob, Tom, and Marge) and the kml work to display detectors in Google Earth/Maps with information, and to allow the entry of user’s annotations on the detectors as they use them. The subset of people interested in this will meet at another time. Later in the day, Marge suggested that Liz should be included because it might involve building a database; she also suggested that Bob Peterson should convene the meeting because he is in charge of the detectors. Eric is willing to join.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 30 Jul 2008

-- Main.EricMyers - 31 Jul 2008
Topic revision: r11 - 2008-08-01, LizQuigg
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