Meeting Notes for 20 January
Present: Joel, Liz, Mark, Ken, Sudha, Edit, Marge, Tom
- Joel sent notes to Xeno Media yesterday on problems with the Rackspace site.
- Marge will follow up early next week to discuss plans to upgrade the site for CRC compatibility.
Mailing Lists
- Mark will take over from Liz managing the mailing list.
- Joel is preparing i2u2-wiki to host the mailings lists.
- Marge and Liz will clean up the other lists.
New Server Testing
We decided on a target date of
January 30 for taking i2u2-prod live as the main website.
Joel prepared a spreadsheet of items to test and distributed it to the group. Once the testable elements are enumerated, we'll assign tasks.
Event Display Testing
Ken tested the CMS Event Display with ~10 users downloading simultaneously. The CERN data servers seemed unfazed, and the test is deemed successful. The new display will be deployed within days, if not later today.
New Teacher Accounts
Mark asked about the criteria for adding teacher accounts when requested through Ken's general criteria are that the applicant should be a teacher (typically HS or university), parent (typically for homeschooling), or university student. HS students (specifically, minors) should not have their own accounts.
Cosmic Detector Map
Mark, Sudha, and Edit will investigate a way to identify and/or remove detectors with errant GPS coordinates. In fact, I think they finished this before I finished composing these notes. We'll get an update next week.
-- Main.jgriffith - 2016-01-20