Meeting Notes for 20 May

Present: Bob, Liz, TomJ, Ken, Edit


  • Cosmic Analysis Queue:
    • Work in progress with Mihael.
  • Cosmic Uploads:
    • Bob will test one more week before we decide whether to roll out streaming or not.
  • Analysis Errors:
    • We will work on improving the messages and creating a knowledge base with common errors and suggestions.
  • Bug 621:
    • Tom fixed to clean up after an incomplete split. Will roll out changes next weekend.
  • Purdue-Java code:
    • Bob, Tom and Edit will do Google Hangouts to check the latest changes to the app.


  • Ken reported the plans to have the new CMS interface reviewed by a focus group.


  • Survey:
    • Liz, Tom and Edit will follow up on analyzing results.
  • Open bugs:
    • We will review them next telecon.
  • LIGO index files problem:
    • Mihael fixed conversion code and it is already in production.
  • Spreadsheets:
    • We might need to build something to replace Google apps.
-- Main.EditPeronja - 2014-05-21
Topic revision: r1 - 2014-05-21, eperonja
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