Meeting Notes for 9 May 2012
Present: Phong, Liz, TomJ
Absent: KenC, TomM, TomL, Bob, Marge
- System update caused Tomcat to freak out; managed to fix it (permissions were overwritten)
- Put a check in the rollout script and modify permissions as needed?
- Testing needs to begin on OpenJDK 6 and 7 + Ubuntu 12.04
- Did an emergency rollback; still testing blessing for deploy
- TomM will be at FNAL the week of 29 May
- Midweek blessing update
- Timing bug (455) implemented in testing code for DAQ 6000 series and firmware > 1.11
- Swift scripts need to be updated (ping Mihael or the Swift mailing list)
- How to resplit files to make old stuff blessable
- DECO is requesting temporary(?) storage space for their project
- TomM looking at Crossfilter for multidimensional filtering
- Calibration demo needed ASAP for TomL and Liz to make stuff
- LHC Fellows workshop will be at the end of June
- PHD Comic's take on Higgs; put it in the library?
-- Main.PhongNguyen - 2012-05-09