Meeting Notes for 14 January 2010 (CMS meeting at ND)
Present: Marge, Liz, TomJ, TomL, Randy, DanK, Phong, Mihael
Due Dates
- In production by 1 June
- Get a beta by 1 April
- We learn to make claims based on discovery - evidence
- How unstable particles can be detected through decays to stable particles and how measuring properties of stable → properties of unstable
- How to see the ephemeral
- How particles interact with the detector
- How we gain confidence in measurements
- Concepts of signal and background
- How discoveries happen over time
- What is fundamental
Learning the process of discovery
- How particle physics makes and build confidence about discoveries
- Because the detector we use for discoveries is "working"
- I know that it is working because it confirms known results (previously found)
- Explain the role conservations rules play in analyzing data
- Provide an answer to the research question and support it with evidence
- Differentiate between signal and background
- Apply appropriate conservation rules to the dimuon events
- Explain the significance of the location and shape of the "bump" and how the histogram fills
- Explain the measurement of properties of less stable particles by the observation of the properties of more stable particles
- Describe which particles were involved in these events
Draw and annotate a diagram of CMS
- Get an image bank of event displays from Fireworks
Why are dimuon events interesting?
- Z0 is neutral - students probably know about charge conservation (hopefully?)
- For new things? Could have different charges
- How to identify the charges? Need transverse energy plots
- For dimuons, need the vector <Px, Py, Pz, E> (E = √(P2 + m2)), charge (Q), particle ID (e, μ, etc.), event number, timestamp
- 900 GeV data should be available quickly
- 1M events on tape - but not too many J/ψ events?
- Might have data by 1 Jun. Might.
- Should we just go forward with Monte Carlo data?
Training component (bootcamp) for new collaborators
- Some of the dimuon events, J/ψ, etc. used for this
- Will use DanK's OGRE.
- Presently OGRE grabs pre-generates plots in the data
- Going to need a CMS data module to do our own plots
- This is CPU-intensive
- Cache old results
- Can make a preprocessed file - but makes it a pain in the rear to do something new
- Could save that preprocessing as some external metadata file (adding to instead removing)
- We will have mass plots
- Later transverse momentum
Research Questions
- MC or rundata? That'll affect things
- For MC data? Look at the bumps, ask what's going on
- For rundata? Ask "is the detector working" - issues with plots over time for statistical certainty
- Plots & timestamps
Design Requirements
- Image bank of event displays
- Plot overlays
- Mass plots: μ+μ-, μ±μ0, Pt
- Save plot history+values, mass and standard deviation
- Annually produce collaboration mass and standard deviation
- Compare against mass, SD on all data
- Make cuts
- Re-run plots (with required provenance, metadata, etc)
- Fast forward time "fill" (animation, 3D chart)
- Separate signal from background
- Px, Py, Pz, ...
- Mechanism to choose the grid or local cluster or server
- Teacher approval for the poster
- Revised poster (the specialized pre-filled one for CMS)
- Add or unlock data month-by-month (MC at first, later rundata?)
- Note the latest data update timestamp
- Discovery science
- Role of conservation rules
- Standard model particles
- Stable, unstable
- Label diagram of the detector
- Signal, background
- Plot shape, location, meaning of the numbers
- Know how tu support the research question with evidence
- Hypothetical production of Z
Misc Notes
- Dimuon events - how to frame it for student understanding?
- For teachers without much time - very high level investigation. Just invariant mass distribution
- More time? Maybe do more.
-- Main.PhongNguyen - 14 Jan 2010
CMS_eLab_First_Concept.rtf: CMS_eLab_First_Concept.rtf