ELabs Data Blessing Meeting Notes (16 September 2009)

Present: TomJ, Bob, Liz, Mihael, Phong

Phased Implementation Plan

  1. Allow blessing, everyone else looks the same
  2. Transition to more aggressive blessing
  3. Change data search to 'own user data + blessed data'


  • Asking much less of the users than before
  • Split.pl makes two data files
    • Original existing day-by-day raw data
    • Transformation of information from ST lines (ST is aggregation of various status commands)
      • Can this data can be inserted into the existing metadata file?
      • Otherwise, this generates a third file - what do we do with it?
  • Regression testing needs to be done
  • Turns out we can sample at specific intervals (use ST lines)

  • Existing data? What can we do about it?
    • Proposal: default to seeing your own data and the semi-professional data
    • Option to see the legacy dataset

  • Students could create a template without actually validating the template
    • Track over time - look at relative rates
    • Noisy data: learning methods? Shape of the curve, the height of the curve, number of pulses
    • This may give consistently bad data rather than inconsistently bad data if someone fools us

  • We must assume that the geometry is accurate
    • Give them feedback in geometry? Show a picture? (JS? Dynamic?)

  • Link the template to the geometry.

  • New geometry -> do we need to generate a new template?

  • Feedback to the user
    • Show pass/fail
    • Show P/F and explain about why there is a failure if we can
    • Review panel if the user believes that it is really good

  • Data - user has to bless six files and then the automagic option becomes available

  • Make a sort of PerformanceSplit.pl that does splitting and performance at the same time?

  • Need a completed 6000-series manual

  • Swift does not presently have a concept of cached data - so it ignores the pre-generated thresholded data

  • Need to add more metadata to VDC (template-geometry mapping)

-- Main.PhongNguyen - 16 Sep 2009
Topic revision: r31 - 2019-05-22, AdminUser
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