Meeting Notes for 16 December 2009
Present: Phong, TomJ, Liz, Marge, Mihael, Bob, TomL
- Possible push this Friday of major new codebase - depends on how stable our codebase is
- Assembly instructions + user manuals in progress
- Can we get analyses to persist over Tomcat restarts?
- Mihael likes the ability to flush state when Tomcat restarts
- Send a message? Write parameters/logentry to userarea for restart or automated restart?
- Wiki stuff to be cleaned up
- Randy+DanK say that data access is granted to CMS leadership
- May be able to get the 900 GeV data (~1 million events)
- Education program now reports to communications (and not the spokesperson)
- Present-OGRE will be used to introduce new members of the CMS collaboration to new data
- Major structural changes will occur
-- Main.PhongNguyen - 16 Dec 2009