Meeting Notes for 21 October 2009
Present: Liz, Phong, Mihael, TomL, DanK
Absent: Marge, Bob, TomJ
- Poster metadata tag - draft, okay'ed by teacher, reviewed by a review group, reviewed by a collaboration, etc.
- Tagging user content
- Clean up UI a bit? UI directs people views away from some elements.
- Metadata? Stored in the archive/result folders, we should be able to parse the files and get that data out.
- Get the data filters, what's plotted and what dataset
- User tags
- URL file, restore session php file
- Let teachers edit the glossary? Do something like adding teacher plans (form to generate a new article)
OGRE archives - saving to the archives is "save study" and the other is "finalize"
- User is working on things but not quite done yet
- User is completed with a data analysis
Temporary files - nuke every few weeks? Tiny!
Seamless authentication back/forth in progress
favicon for
is LIGO's - should be ELabs or somethin'
Various issues with MC data
-- Main.PhongNguyen - 28 Oct 2009