Meeting Notes for 26 August 2009

Present: Liz, Phong, Mihael, TomL, Eric
Absent: Bob, Marge


  • A serious database MySQL failure occurred 18 August
    • Argonne MCS had never been informed of said database
    • Backups were not properly done
    • Data was mostly - but not wholly - recovered
    • Ken Raffenetti at MCS is setting up proper database backups
  • www18 disk configuration is seriously screwy and prevented the server from booting itself
    • The original RAID configuration on www18 was really, really weird and at the time of the upgrade to 8.04 something strange happened with it. Fixed, but still a looming issue
  • data2 upgrade to 6x2TB RAID6 array (8TB effective space) is proposed to replace our
  • Longer-term consideration of server consolidation
  • Switch to GigE network to cut down our network bottleneck
  • Give a read- and lock-only backup account for the Postgres and MySQL databases


  • No sticky posts (only sticky threads)
  • Set pagination? Newest-post-first? Jump-to-newest-post mode on by default?
  • Edit timeout might be too short?
  • Eventually switch to the Wiki to handle teacher workshop content


  • Working on finalizing recovery of missing wiki content and the old tutorial
  • /teacher/$elab wiki's configuration was screwy (and now fixed; relevant LocalSettings.php file in SVN)
  • /library lost some metadata tracking tables and revisions - looking into this.
    • Some LIGO glossary data is gone and needs to be recreated
    • Image table pointers are missing - trying to recover

All e-Labs

  • Logbook is unintuitive and really old code and probably needs to be worked on
  • Major bughunting, security-hardening, etc. initiative in progress


  • Eric's gotten GDS working on his laptop - needed to read new LIGO frame files


  • Issue with the old test still becoming active - working on it
  • Weird double-insert issue with the legacy administrative group creation tool
  • Data Blessing issues - TomJ is working on an Excel workbook tool for data calibration.
  • Specs are needed for the code changes for the new blessed data uploads.
    • Default search then looks for user's own (or school's own?) data and all fully blessed.
    • Needs some more thought


  • Login screen for OGRE? Why is there an ID? Do we need a password?
  • Integration?
  • Keep our own OGRE build and occasionally synchronize with the upstream OGRE source tree?
  • Transparent proxy to Notre Dame's hosted OGRE?
  • Cool Science content is needed
  • Link to blogs for particle physicists?

-- Main.PhongNguyen - 26 Aug 2009
Topic revision: r20 - 2009-08-26, PhongNguyen
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