Meeting Notes for 24 Jun 2009
Present: Phong, TomL, Bob, Eric, Mihael
Absent: TomJ, Liz, Marge
- Which workshops do or do not use e-Labs? Bob says those in the QuarkNet Workshops calendar involve Fellows and do involve the e-Lab. Those on Centers calendar may or may not, we don't know.
- Use the same email address for the forum and the e-Lab and our script will magically make single sign-on.
- Won't be regularly running the script, at least for this summer (or maybe we will....? -EAM)
- Teachers may need to subscribe to the threads. Or should be encouraged. Or should at least know about it.
- Talk to Marge to see if we need to encourage teachers to collaborate in the forums.
- Some schools are in "Cincinatti" instead of "Cincinnati" - working to figure out how to fix metadata.
- Analyses statistics screwy (see here)
- Workshops went well.
- Previous workshops had forum interactions (~12 people), which we would like to encourage also for Cosmics.
- Data may be available again soon. The machine at Caltech is up and running, and the script
works. Greg Mendel of LHO will be responsible. He is working with Larry Wallace at Caltech to configure the machine. It will collect data and create new frames, and serve them to ANL via rsync. Should also give us data from Livingston (LLO)
-- Main.PhongNguyen - 24 Jun 2009
-- Main.EricMyers - 24 Jun 2009