Meeting Notes for 13 May 2009
Present: Liz, Phong, Eric, Mihael, TomL
Absent: Marge, TomJ, Bob (QuarkNet Meeting)
- Mihael has to go back to the homeland for a few weeks at the end of the month.
- User Database Table spec is being written
- Mihael proposes using JspWiki as our CMS
- BOINC forum search should have a per-forum function
- For the logbook - some students use their names, some use the research group names
- Eric needs feedback!
- May need to get school IT people onboard for schools with DAQs.
- Community pages
links need to be transformed into Wiki Markup
- Popups need to be handled.
- Transclusion can source multiple places and interspersed with non-wiki stuff
- Use the wiki to handle our images?
- BodySkin voodoo.
- Transclusion
- For new pages?
- What's easiest for us to use
-- Main.PhongNguyen - 13 May 2009