Meeting Notes for 15 April 2009
Present: Liz, Phong, Mihael, Eric, TomL, TomJ
Absent: Bob, Marge
Action Items
needs to be merged into TRUNK
- 1.1β1 is live
- Some worries about disk space
- Data storage is down to 24% free
- tmpfs on www18 fills up under load
- Intermittent upload problems from FNAL, helpdesk ticket is open to determine if this is a network issue
Data Blessing
- We make sure the detector is stable and reliably grabbing data over time
- Detector has to be plateaued
- When a user updates a data file
- Compare to one that is a "golden standard"
- If the difference σ is too much, flag the user, prompt the user
- Requires upload form changes, possibly more
- New metadata tags may be needed
- Grandfathering process is required
- Gold Standard of a file?
- User has to believe that it is good.
- Do a performance study?
- Dependent on the user
- Performance is intended for users to verify if data is good or not
- Hoped for users to push back, they didn't
- Performance study may change?
- Time/threshold is only one parameter in data quality control
- Need more parameters?
- If the data passes the σ test, do we autobless or not?
- Is blessing a boolean yes/no?
- LIGO uses quality flags, not just blessed or not-blessed.
- Ideally we could search by tags, searching system might be able to do first-approximation filtering
- Search data by comments? Might help collaboration
- User tagging?
General Upgrades
- Tomcat now running 5.5.27 (was .20) to permit large-uploads
- Postgres now running 8.1.17 (was .04) to fix some deadlock issues
- Libraries a'plenty got updated
- Some messiness about that.
- Branching for each major feature and merge back?
-- Main.PhongNguyen - 15 Apr 2009