Meeting Notes for 25 March 2009

Present: Phong, TomL, Bob, Eric, Mihael, TomJ
Absent: Liz, Marge

Action Items

  • Someone get pictures of the servers so we know what they look like (Phong might if he visits ANL soon)
  • Phong gets the regression testing list + link out for everyone
  • Hope that we can push next Friday.


  • No new features in Production until heavily tested (and ideally new features only in TRUNK and then pushed out in BRANCH/n+1)
  • Certain features can shortcut the process (if something is completely broken)
  • www17: hardware backup to www18, must have production code
  • www16: pre-production testing
  • Internet Explorer 6 is evil and giving us headaches. Bob will post the buglist.
  • Eric is going to merge the Webalizer configurations, will test on www16 first
  • Keep a list of bugs
    • Maybe some sort of tool to streamline regression testing?


  • Going to Port 8080 will bypass Apache for testing purposes
  • BRANCH/1.1 is on www16 and is being tested.
  • Bob says people are awaiting 1.1 for the new pre/posttest.
  • Initial list of major changes of things in 1.1
    • Execution Modes
    • Data search
    • Geometry
    • Pretest/postest


  • Integrate Bluestone and BOINC-forum into SVN so we can test on www16
  • Bluestone 0.71 fixes bug 304(?) + fixes the tutorial
    • Transclude the wiki/tutorial
    • tutorial.php is the transclusion specification.


  • OGRE has IE6 issues


-- Main.PhongNguyen - 25 Mar 2009
Topic revision: r38 - 2009-03-25, PhongNguyen
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