Meeting Notes for 11 February 2008
Present: Marge, Bob, Phong, Liz, TomL, TomJ, Eric
Absent: Mihael
Action Items
- Liz gets in touch with Dave to see if he'll join in the discussion.
- Phong goes to Adler to talk to Julieta on OGRE's UI after TomL gets some feedback collated.
Marge's Concerns
- LIGO Milestones and LOs done but not yet blessed
- Dale gave feedback on Bluestone @ ANL, it is working (~99% done)
- Eric is checking with Dale if there are any showstopper bugs
- Eric is making Bluestone tutorial revisions
- Eric needs to migrate some links on www18
(has some SVN issues)
- MC data delays will push some tasks out - might cause CMS' internal deadlines to be missed
- CMS UI might be too complex?
- Verification needed through the think-aloud protocol
- Who will do the CMS TAP?
- How to get Dave Barney to buy into this design?
- Might need to hide some parts of the OGRE UI at first
- Get other UI experts on this? Julieta @ Adler?
- Find out UI best practices
- TomL would like email responses on the OGRE UI
- HTTP/SSL is appearing as default? We really only use this for secure logins
- Upload issues need to be investigated. SSL timeouts?
- Issues with the date range in the searches
-- Main.PhongNguyen - 11 Feb 2009