Meeting Notes for 11 January 2008

Present: Tom J. , Tom L.,Mihael, Eric, Liz, Phong, Bob, Marge
Absent: Dan K.

Plan for Managing Project Tasks

Marge joined us to discuss how she would be managing the project. Mihael put all the tasks we developed at the ELabs meeting at the Adler into a new charts to help Marge keep track of progress.

Mihael will need to understand some of the dependencies. Marge will meet with each subgroup to determine the dependencies and Mihael will add them to the plan.

Weekly Reports

Marge wants each person to send her a record of their progress each week. In an e-mail after the meeting, she asked for this:
  • The task, its priority and % of task completed
  • What you completed during the week—what works now that did not work last week and the number of hours spent on that task.

For example:
Task 2.1.3: Support a virtual community of learners: revise teacher pages, linking to elements of online community (highest priority) - 20% done

Added "Community" to teacher navigation (1 hour)

Task 2.5.2: XXXX 30% done

Completed activities and hours

Other Tasks: If you have worked on tasks that are not "highest priority" or scheduled for later, add them here.

Comments: A place for SHORT explanations such as: Waiting for Task 2.1.3 to be completed before I continue with task 2.5.2.

Developers should send the report to Marge in a simple e-mail, and can also post it to the forum. We will run our week from Wednesday to Tuesday with your report due Tuesday afternoon. This gives Mihael time to make new charts. That way if things turn up in the reports that need discussion, they can go on the agenda for the Wednesday telecon. Marge will attend the beginning of meetings.

Developers can put the reports in the Forum in the room Developer's Workroom (previously known as the Aquarium Room) . There are separate threads for each e-Lab

Integrating the e-Lab and wiki user database

We discussed some of Eric's ideas for how to implement this.

Action Item: Liz will provide Eric with information on the tables in the e-Lab database.

Action Item: Eric will write a design spec before he implements anything.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 21 Jan 2009
-- Main.EricMyers - 22 Jan 2009
Topic revision: r7 - 2019-05-22, AdminUser
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