Meeting Notes for 3 October 2007

Present: Liz, Eric, Mihael, TomL, TomJ Bob, Mike


CDW will be sending the new machine out in the week.

Power Up Checklist and NSF BOOT

Boot NFS at run level 3 Waiting for more feedback from Systems Group

Reboot Tests later.

The wiki has the ELabs Cluster power-up checklist. There are some things that can be automated and removed from this. Item on the check list would be to check that it was done. We want it so that a wizard won't have to do this.

Storage issues

Eric will put his files on 75GB even though some of the database stuff is there. We talked about having a MySQL server. Data0 NFS server Data1 is the database server. The new machine will probably be the new NFS server. The current portal works just find so Mihael wants to leave it as is.

All new data should go exclusively to the new server.

Refactored Code (Mihael)

Analysis with grid execution working Teraport was down yesterday so he could not test it. Cosmic refactored code.

The JMeter tests may need to be reproduced on www12. Mihael will take a look at that. It does not show much.

Statistics on use (Bob)

Items we need statistics on. Bob sent out a list.

Ligo Analysis

Ready to rollout a new version of the LIGO analysis tool. 0.40 as the test release. He is going to fix y-axis labels issue. No calibration when he can. Tom?s students have been using the analysis tool Bluestone. Another teacher is using it.

Tom L. reported on the work of his students with the LIGO analysis tool and newly-posted ed pages.

i2u2 Wiki (at CI)

Liz will put a link to Bugzilla in the Wiki. (Already there or someone did it for her; thanks to them!)

Bob needs Wiki account. Someone at the CI needs to do it. Send email to CI support (Mihael). Mihael will send an email to Bob.

e-Lab Registration

Spreadsheet works fine. (Tom L.) Students with "upload" also are users and get take the presurvey. His students never take the pretest and generally have one student per research group. Tom will reset the accounts.

Data Quality Assurance

Tom J talked about how the data validity is checked in "split" and how the fellows want to add data quality. Eric wondered if we could develop a tool that displays like a "defrag" tool. Each frame could be analyzed and displayed that way. Paul Nepywoda has a "statistics" file in Cosmic e-Lab. There seems to be a problem with gate-width.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 11 Oct 2007
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