Present: Liz, Tibi, Eric, Mihael, Nick, Tom L.

Understanding Differences between Rollout to www13 and www11

Tom Jordan rolled out to www13 from CVS on May 29th. He expected to get the same code that was rolled out to www11 on the previous Friday. He found that the correction he had made to ylow not defaulting to 0 was not working on the www13 version. After much discussion, Mihael claimed that the code on www13 was quite different from that on www11 so we wondered if the rollout had acutally worked to www13.

Action Item: Tom Jordan needs to check that he actually rolled out to the correct place. Maybe it is hardwired to go a different directory.

Users area for www13

When testing functionality on www13, Liz discovered that she could not save a plot. The directories needed for saving plots have to be in the area pointed to by the symlink "users". These are made when a new research group is added. Tibi did not attempt to make any of these directories because he assumed that they would be made when they were needed. Unfortunately they are not. Tom added /nfs/d3/quarknet-data/users-dev/AY2004/IL/Batavia/Fermilab/Jordan/fermigroup/cosmic/plots by hand so that we could save plots for fermigorup, but these do not show when we display plots by fermigroup. This may be related to the issue that we do not have the latest code running on www13 (see previous item). Once that is solved, we need to check this. In any case, when testing on www13, we need to log on as groups for which these directories have been made by hand or else make a new research group.

Action item: Liz will test this after the proper rollout is confirmed.

Eric Myers:

Eric's account is working on all the machines except www17 which is still down. He and Nick are still not in the quarknet group. (Actually, Eric is in quarknet, but his primary group is i2u2)

Eric added to the notes on getting started on the wiki based on his experience.

We discussed the home area in /sandbox. which means that it is on the local rather than a network drive, not that it is likely to be deleted.

Eric has ordered Dreamweaver. He can probably download a trial version.

Eric has added a lot of information to the wiki under Ligo, at LIGO e-Lab. He went over some of the items in this area and discussed them with us, and we will try to go through some of this at later meetings.

The discusssion of the logbook is more appropriate for the Education telecon. Tom L. will arrange for Eric to get in on that call.


Eric mentioned that he has experience with the BOINC news system, which produces both a front page news box and an RSS feed from the same common source. It does not depend on a database, so if the database goes down the news is still available. He has worked on and is quite familiar with PHP code to manage this news. He suggested that we might want to convert from the news that we have implemented in the e-Lab to this method. Everyone in the telecon seemed enthusiastic and encouraged Eric to pursue this. He is going to write some more documentation on the wiki.

Eric uses an RSS feed to get informed when changes are made to the Wiki. He will document how he does this in case it is helpful for others.

Backing up from Development Machines.

In response to a question from Eric, we established that it is up to the individual users to backup their www13 areas themselves. Systems does not handle this. Nick Dettman does all his editing in his home area so he will probably want to rsync what he has there to some place on his local Macintosh. Similarly, Liz Q. may want to backup the amelia site on www13. The sources for these are not necessarily in CVS.


Nick got his account with the CI and can use CVS. (Note: he realized this after the telecon.)

Load Balancing:

Tibi does not have anything to report on this.

Login in the Load-Balanced Environment:

Tibi does not have anything to report on this. Liz reported that she wrote a document and made a prototype on www13. The document is accessible on the EntryPoints page. Tibi needs to do some experimenting.


No news.


Nick and Tom added a lot of changes in the rollout. There is still a bug or two lingering.


Still waiting for this.

WWW10 and www13

We forgot to discuss this from last week: Tibi will find out why it is so sluggish. W

www13 is very sluggish, especially on login (DNS?)

-- Main.LizQuigg - 30 May 2007
-- Main.EricMyers - 31 May 2007
Topic revision: r9 - 2007-05-31, EricMyers
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