Present: Liz, Mike Jr, Tibi, Eric, Bob, Nick and Tom J.
Eric Myers:
Needs to get the analysis tools running on local machines.
Action item: Tibi will help Eric get started.
Action Item: Liz will send Eric her cheatsheet about using the various machines.
Trying to get account for CI so he can work with SVN and learning how to use Mihael's tag. He will also be working on solving some of the bugs in the current production.
Templates (Skeleton of a analysis):
Tibi would like help from Nick on developing the template e-Lab using Mihael's method.
Action: Tibi will try to get Eric permissions on the new Wiki.
Tibi is trying to set up www16 and 17 so we can add them to load-balancing.
Maybe we can make www10 available for load-balancing
To test load-balancing, we will need to use a large JMeter test first; then we can combine it with a bunch of staff doing tests.
Action Item: Liz has to get things off www10 to make it available.
Mihael's work :
Tibi trying to set up www16 and 17 so we can add them to load-balancing.
Needs another library on www12 so that he can getting performance working.
He wanted to be sure we understood that the initial phase does not include moving to Swift. He will be using the same VDS we use now.
Action item: Tibi needs to get the library on www12 for Mihael.
JMeter :
Need a way to be sure that the results are actually right. It is not enough to see that you get a web page.
Analysis Code :
NIck and Tom are working on the geo contants file. This involves fixing the bean and the geo files themselves.
Needs a hard drive. It's ordered.
We don't rollout unless there are changes.
Upload file size is rolled out. Tibi made changes by hand on www11. Bob says it does not really work. Upload a file > 500 Meg, it throws an error.
Bob and Tibi will go offline on this.
Liz had changes to learner outcomes that can go in.
List of Workshops
Action item: Bob needs to make this for the Argonne.
-- Main.LizQuigg - 16 May 2007