Ben and Mihael ? Problems with server may be caused by Ram corruption in Globus
Restart Tomcat at some good time as a stop gap. (Tibi) at early morning in the U.S.
Tibi will work on the testing.
Running test suite manually and turn the log on for Tibi. Use ganglia as well. Reproduce load and memory use in test suite.
Four machine load-share system for testing. (Ben and Tibi) after ELabs meeting.
Site entry points on the wiki. (Liz)
News banner: Text edit the message file; if the message file exists, it displays it. (Script gets fired). Put a link on this file to the site you want your user to go. Eventually maybe get the URL that the user tried. And use this for the link or have one link per e-Lab..
Document how to use it. (Tibi)
Add box on home page for news items They are time-stamped?
Test machines at UChicago. CI. ? for e-Lab development. Should work with secure FTP.
Vanilla e-Lab. Ben, Tibi and Liz will discuss it.
Use laptops to do VDL. Open wireless for the room? Mike ask Mark.
-- Main.LizQuigg - 17 Jan 2007