Development Plan for End of Summer 2007
TASK: Test new system (www12) using manual tests
- WHO: Liz
- WHEN: 7/18 - 8/18
This involves going through all pages using various browsers (IE and Firefox on
Windows; IE, Firefox and Safari on Mac) and reporting problems.
For our first pass, we should use just one browser/os combination; Bob or Tom
should indicate which they think is most popular among the users.
This pass might catch some features deprecated by Mihael. For those we should
verify that eliminating these features is OK.
testing should include load sharing.
Testing should include looking for any bug fixes that are relevant to the new
code that have been introduced into CVS since code rewrite started
TASK: Integrate "missed" features into new code base
- WHO: Mihael (half time)
- WHEN: 7/18 - 8/18
Mihael introduced a "compatibility layer". Old pages not yet converted to the
new API go into a special "legacy code" directory so they can still be used
along with the new code.
Included files use new API and menubar, but define the variables that old code
used.Eventually these things will get converted.
Files that are not converted to the new API will still work, possibly with some
adjustment. In many cases the code needs to be only included by moving it into
the "legacy code" directory.
TASK: Final pre-production testing
- WHO: Liz, Bib, TomJ, TomL, students
- WHEN: 7/27 - 8/12
TASK: Bring new system into production
- WHO: Mihael
- WHEN: 8/18
- MILESTONE: New API in production, using VDS
TASK: Document how to write an elab
- WHO: Mihael, Liz
- WHEN: 8/1 - 8/3
TASK: Enable Eric to start porting LIGO e-Lab to new system
Mihael to decide if this is to be done pre-swift or post-swift conversion. Will
need either stub scripts to run LIGO apps or will need LIGO apps to be wrapped
in VDL or SwiftScript.
TASK: convert new system codebase to use Swift
- WHO: Mihael
- WHEN: 8/20 - 8/24
This involves writing SwiftScript for all Cosmic apps and workflows.
At this point we should set the system to enable kickstart recording, and make
provisions for the capture and archiving of kickstart records in production.
Mihael can arrange for their capture. Systems can arrange for the archiving and
directory/file rotation etc.
This task will involve the adjustment of COSMIC code to reference geo files
correctly on cmd lines and corresponding adjustment of the Swift code.
The selection of geo files needs to be coded in the JSP files.
Swift will be running local execution. Mihael has a suggestion for a
Karajan-based execution provider that can give us low latency and modest
parallelism - ie using a few lab hosts for app execution.
MILESTONE: New codebase now ready for porting new e-labs
TASK: Testing of new system codebase using Swift
- WHO: Liz, Bob, TomL, TomJ
- WHEN: 8/27 - 9/7
MILESTONE: Go into production on Swift - local exec
- WHO: Mihael, Ben
- WHEN: 8/27 - 9/7
- - add a few grid sites
- -install services
- - obtain DOEGrids credential for user job execution
- - fine tune various things
TASK: Test Grid-enabled system
- WHO: Liz, Bob, TomL, TomJ
- WHEN: 9/10 - 9/21
MILESTONE: Go into production on Swift - Grid exec
TASK: Convert CMS e-Lab to use new-API system
- WHO: Tibi
- WHEN: 8/5 - 8/16
TASK: Test CMS e-Lab
- WHO: Liz, TomL, students
- WHEN: 8/19 - 8/30
TASK: CMS e-Lab enabled in production
TASK: Convert LIGO e-Lab to use new-API system
- WHO: Eric
- WHEN: 8/1 - 8/3
TASK: Test LIGO e-Lab
- WHO: Liz, TomL, students
- WHEN: 8/19 - 8/30
TASK: LIGO e-Lab enabled in production
TASK: Convert STAR e-Lab to use new-API system
TASK: Test STAR e-Lab
- WHO: Liz, TomL, students
- WHEN: 8/19 - 8/30
TASK: STAR e-Lab enabled in production
TASK: Convert AMELIA e-Lab to use new-API system
- WHO: Liz, TomL, Jao, students
- WHEN: 8/19 - 8/30
TASK: AMELIA e-Lab enabled in production
TASK: jmeter should be run on a regular basis and its coverage extended
-- Main.MichaelWilde - 25 Jul 2007
-- Main.EricMyers - 03 Aug 2007