TOPIC: How to merge the Fermi and CI CVS-es and how to clean up the ELabs eLabs
GOAL: Everything should be in the CI CVS. Fermi CVS will be deprecated (as in READ-ONLY)
CVS Directories:
- common, cosmic, cosmic_vdl2, cms, cms_vdl2
- Dcosmic = common + cosmic
- Dcosmic_vdl2 = common + cosmic + cosmic_vdl2
- Dcms = common + cms
- Dcms_vdl2 = common + cms + cms_vdl2
Note that each of these deployments must be done in the order listed ("+" is not commutative)
Plan Steps:
- Merge CVS's: Update cosmic codes with the latest codes from CI CVS: for each file in CI CVS, update that file with the latest changes in FNAL CVS.
- Factor common files into the common/ directory (based on LIGO summary sent by Liz)
- e-Lab name issue
- guest user issue
- common nav bar (1 for teachers and 1 for the e-Lab specific) (attach Liz's document here)
- Address credential issues
- Getting rid of RLS
- Fix the CMS to handle the Metadata to enable saving plots (using SVG format)
- Make sure that after the migration, the eLabs (cms,cosmic,ligo) still work (when using the common-code version)
- TAG CVS after successful testing and deployment
- Add build-targets to set up users (first-time only when deploying a new portal)
- Fix known issues in VDL2 ELabs code
- Update VDL2 stuff to include dynamic selection of local vs. Grid execution; establish production Grid execution site(s)
- Test on www12 or www10 ? (ben ?)
- Provide a generic eLab (as an example to show how to use I2U2)
- Continue completing the ELabsTestingDocument
-- Main.MichaelWilde - 19 Dec 2006