You are here: Foswiki>ELabs Web>TeleconAgenda (2024-07-24, JoelG)Edit Attach

Meeting Notes for Next Telecon

Agenda for July 24, 2024

  • Current page on i2u2-quarknet
  • Drupal issues:
  • When searching for users, the search appears to take place in the username and email fields. Can "name" be one of the fields that is searched as well?
  • DAQ issue in user profiles
  • Kathy raised errors with student story, we're looking for PDF editing software to fix


  • e-Labs issues tracking page (Google Doc)
  • Cleaning the code base, finding development content that never got moved to production
  • Changing resource URLs from to
  • Fixing deployment on i2u2-dev
  • Issues with e-Labs account request




  • MINERvA & NOvA masterclass measurements will be used at Fermilab/Brookhaven Exchange program this week and again later this month.


  • MySQL log issues fixed on i2u2-db and tentatively fixed on i2u2-quarknet-d10 (will know by the end of the week).
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
CMS-slide-apr2018.pptxpptx CMS-slide-apr2018.pptx manage 278 K 2018-04-18 - 14:54 Main.KenC present at IPPOG
Screen_Shot_2018-03-13_at_4.09.53_PM.pngpng Screen_Shot_2018-03-13_at_4.09.53_PM.png manage 847 K 2018-03-14 - 15:03 Main.JoelG H>4l screenshot
Topic revision: r572 - 2024-07-24, JoelG
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