Project Evaluation

An important part of this project is an evaluation of how well the project worked/works. This page provides an overview of the evaluation process, as well as a place to link to other documentation for that process.

Evaluation Overview

Marge presented an overview of the evaluation process at the weekly Technical Telecon on 3 Sept 2008 (minutes here), and later circulated a document "Evaluation Plan with Elements of Research Design". This page is a summary of the process as well as a place to develop details.

There are two key goals of the evaluation:
  1. assess the impact of e-Labs on students
  2. assess associated professional development of teachers
In addition, an expected result of the evaluation will be
  • to determine why e-Labs can an could be used broadly -- what works, with whom, and under what circumstances.

There are two key phases for each e-Lab, and each has a separate evaluation plan:
  • I. Product Development
  • II. Implementation and Testing
The Cosmics e-Lab is mature enough that is is in the second phase, while the CMS and LIGO e-Labs are stil in the first phase.

Product Development

This initial stage consists of:
  1. Think-aloud protocol applied to the e-Lab product
  2. Expert review (and revisions based on that review)
  3. Classrom beta testing ( pre-test/post-test/rubricks)
The LIGO and CMS e-Labs are in this stage.

Implementation and Testing

This stage consists of evaluation of
  1. Learner Objective achievements
  2. Workshops and support for teachers
  3. Online Community

-- Main.EricMyers - 26 Sep 2008

* Summary of evaluaion process:
Topic revision: r18 - 2019-05-22, AdminUser
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