Meeting Notes for 3 March 2009

Present: Liz, Marge, Bob, Mihael, Eric, TomL, TomJ
Absent: Phong (ill)

We went over Marge’s Gantt Chart (excel spreadsheet) to see the status of the tasks that should have been done today. The X in a box below the date column indicates that the task should be done by that date. An updated Gantt Chart is attached to reflect the results of our discussion today.

Cosmic Tasks

  • Phong will send out an email to find a good time to do a load test.

Task 2.4.3 Adjust execution controls and results page for technology LO

(related task 2.7.1- Parallelization and 2.7.2 – Performance Metrics)

What’s left? - Testing Mihael’s analyses to see if they agree between www13 and www18. This is different than the Load Test that Bob wants. Tom suggested that we should be looking at the analysis directory and comparing the text files rather than comparing the resultant plots. For example, for performance, we should look at freqOutX.txt. Tom L, Tom J., Bob, and Liz will try do some testing. Liz suggested that trying to recreate the plots following the new step-by-step for Performance, Flux and Lifetime (on www13) might be a good way because all the input parameters are prescribed in the Step-by-Steps for these. She will try the tests on these three, but cannot for the Lifetime until she has a starting plot. We extended the deadline another week.

We decided to postpone the Load Test until we can do these because some of the problems we are experiencing on production may go away with the changes Mihael has put in.

Related –Task 2.4.13: last Step-by-Step for lifetime to match new execution controls. Need Tom J.’s lifetime plot as starting point. Bob filed a bug for the Lifetime poster, that you cannot rerun the analysis so Liz suggested Tom or Bob try to recreate the plot Tom used for that poster and we can update the poster and figure to use the new plot. Either Bob or Tom could recreate this plot and we could use it for the step-by-step. We extended the deadline another week for 2.4.13.

Task 2.6.4 Think A-louds

We decided that Bob had satisfied this task because Jean’s document required 2-3 teachers which he has already done.

Eric has some idea on this, but needs to write a design document in the wiki with Phong’s input on what additional columns would be needed in the e-Lab database.

We decided it was sufficient to put the “Community” link on the teacher page and not worry that the teacher needs to build an account on the forum/wiki to go to it. Liz is a little concerned that if teachers start building accounts over there that they may not be compatible with Eric’s scheme. We extended the deadline another week for adding the Community Learning link.

Task 2.4.9 Peer Review

Marge has people lined up for the Peer Review, but the site has to be ready. People are: Elisabeth, Dale, Jean and Nate Unterman. Marge looked at the protocol required for the Peer Review and broke it into two parts because the current document requires the reviewer to go back and forth between the student and teacher pages. She gave it to Elisabeth to approve. Reviewers can edit the document directly or print it out and hand-write in the responses.

Task 2.4.12 Implement progress bar for data uploads

Needs testing. See above under execution modes.

Task 2.4.2 Validate pre and post tests

This is dependent on Phong – not quite done.

Ligo Tasks

Task 2.3.7 Get DMTRoot running

Task needs extending in the Gantt chart. Eric is having a lot of trouble getting it to install on the new teraport. He has asked systems people to install some more software.

Task 2.3.3 [H] Clean up LO and milestone issues

Tom L. did not think we needed Jean’s approval for this, but Liz wants to get her opinion. Tom L. says he has to do more work on milestones and references to check they are o.k. Gantt chart extended to March 9th.

Task 2.3.1 – Pretest

Tom L. and Dale made progress but need to extend the deadline.

Gantt chart extended to March 9th. Same solution for both Cosmic and LIGO.

Task 2.3.5 – saving Metadata with plots from Bluestone

Eric needs to talk with Phong and Liz about this. Task needs extending.

CMS Tasks

Task 2.2.6 Obtain MC data and 2.2.8 Run MC Studies

These have to be pushed out. Actually a number of tasks need moving out because Dan K. was occupied with other work. Tom L. is going to show the Gantt chart to Dan to see if he wants to move out some of his work.

Enhancement suggested by Bob.-

Summary: POSTER: add tool to upload a 'pdf' version of a poster Liz is concerned about are we going to support links to plot and rerunning the analysis? We don’t want to encourage people to use this method if they would lose this functionality. We could add another page where we could post links to posters that are done by other student researchers.

-- Main.LizQuigg - 04 Mar 2009 * ELabsGanttChart-3-3.xls: Gantt Chart Updated After Telecon
Topic revision: r7 - 2019-05-22, AdminUser
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