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Results from ELabs web retrieved at 22:14 (GMT)

Notes on the 11 12 August 2009 LIGO Workshop at Notre Dame General Overview * The users liked the system, but also struggled in some places. Big Issues ...
r12 - 2009-08-12 - 16:30 by PhongNguyen
June 2016: This page appears to be substantially out of date. TLA/Bluestone, the tla/ directory structure, Grid computing, and links to spy seem to no lo...
Bluestone Update Procedure This page describes the proceedure to follow to release ("roll out") a new revision of the Bluestone software. It also describes how ...
Bluestone Release Versions The version number of a Bluestone release can be found in the lower left corner of every web page. During the software development proc...
r10 - 2009-06-02 - 15:22 by EricMyers
LIGO e Lab Design Notes Found at http://i2u2.spy but copied here in case that server ever goes down JG DESIGN NOTES ...
TODO LIST GOAL 1: get Root to produce desired outputs when run through on the command line: * set up the environment so that Tibi can run the following command...
r2 - 2007-06-19 - 16:21 by TiberiuStefPraun
Grid Interface API In the absence of any written documentation on how to run tasks on The Grid, I will write here how I think it ought to work and we can then di...
r3 - 2007-06-14 - 21:20 by EricMyers
LIGO Data Channels The LIGO e Lab features data from a set of seismic sensors that the LIGO experiment uses to monitor ground vibration, which is a significant ba...
LIGO Data Formats Notes All data is big endian. Floating point data is IEEE representation. Booleans are byte sized and anything ! = 0 is true. Frame files The ...
LIGO Data Overview This describes what the LIGO data flow looks like from QuarkNet's end. This documentation is current as of December 2016, and it supersedes any...
LIGO Data and Dataflow By "dataflow" I generally mean the flow of data from the source (the LIGO sensors) to the Analysis Tool. So think of it as everything "upst...
LIGO Documentation There is a need for a wide variety of different kinds of documentation for the LIGO e Lab(s). We cannot hope to create all this ourselves, s...
r8 - 2008-12-11 - 20:20 by EricMyers
LIGO Frame to Stream conversion Each .gwf frame file represents a "snapshot" of data across multiple sensors. For example, the frame H M 1061380800 3600.gwf will...
LIGO already uses some Grid software, and it would be useful to have the ELabs LIGO e Lab software use LIGO Grid resources when possible and to be compatible with...
LIGO ELabs Data Relay Server * PEM: Physics Environment Monitoring; seems to be a catch all label for environmental background monitoring at LIGO. Source of ra...
LIGO Storage Requirements LIGO data are stored in "frame" files, with names like H M 864565200 3600.gwf, in a directory hierarchy of the form /data/ligo/frames/t...
LIGOtools LIGOtools is a package management system (written in perl) used to distribute software commonly used for LIGO data analyses. It is similar, at least ...
Logbook/Discussion * Motivation: scientists use logbooks to record their activities and observations, and our students can too, and learn how it's done. A logboo...
r40 - 2008-02-05 - 03:55 by EricMyers
Parameter Files When an analysis task is started it will usually need a set of parameters which control what the task is to do. For example, for a LIGO analysis...
r16 - 2008-05-20 - 02:43 by EricMyers
QuarkNet Developers' Wiki This is the Developers' Notebook for the NSF funded QuarkNet e Labs education project. The e Labs are a science education project where...
Number of topics: 20
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