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Results from ELabs web retrieved at 05:55 (GMT)

Apache Ant Ant is an installation tool similar to make build that creates a directory structure and fills it with files as directed by a special buildfile called ...
Tomcat TODO: add info on logs, environment variables Basics Tomcat is the server program responsible for providing the interactive interface of the e Labs. Tech...
SSL Certificates on ELabs VMs We maintain an SSL certificate for the e Labs website on i2u2 prod. Since we don't exchange sensitive data with our us...
CIMA CIMA is the CMS Instrument for Masterclass Analysis, a special piece of PHP software used for CMS Masterclasses. It's not part of the CMS e Lab, but it is w...
CIMA data loss On Mar 7, Dorin G reported to Ken that CIMA data had been lost during a Master Class: It all went fairly smoothly, except that some of our analysed...
r5 - 2016-03-11 - 00:03 by jgriffith
The Web Site Deployment Process Places A) You. You know who you are. You have a local development machine that you use to edit website code. B) The source code i...
NEW - 2016-02-25 - 01:50 by jgriffith
Fermilab accounts for QuarkNet developers Fermilab accounts are managed through the Fermilab Service Desk. Your main Fermilab account is also called a Services a...
Moving to Git This page describes how I (Joel) initially set up the e Labs repository in Git. Ideally, nothing here should have to be repeated. For documentatio...
iSpy The iSpy Event Display is used in the CMS e Lab and in CMS Masterclasses. It is maintained primarily by Tom McCauley on GitHub. Structure iSpy is served fr...
Java Technology in the e Labs The website code is heavy on Java. If you don't know Java, this wiki is not going to help you. Even if you do know Java, you may sti...
LIGO data on i2u2 data See the LIGO Data Overview for info on how LIGO data gets to i2u2 data and LIGO Data Format for the data formats you'll find there. Troubl...
Local Setup If you're setting up a local copy of the website for the first time, you're possibly new to QuarkNet. Check out the New Members Guide if you haven't a...
Meeting Notes for 6 September Present: Sudha, Senem, Joel, Mark, Ken, Shane, Tom Drupal * Transition is happening smoothly. Senem has migrated final data fro...
Testing the Pre Tests To recreate or diagnose problems with the e Lab Pre Tests, you'll need to take the test yourself. The test is usually available only to stud...
NEW - 2016-03-10 - 14:12 by jgriffith
Using Apache You will need to be able to use Apache on both your local machine and on the VMs. It's likely that these two environments will be different, since th...
MySQL MySQL is installed on i2u2 db and used primarily for CIMA. Like Postgres, MySQL has its own users and passwords, including a root user, and an interactive s...
Using PHP PHP is a server side scripting language used to dynamically generate HTML pages, among other uses. If you're developing code locally that uses PHP, you...
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL (or Postgres) is a database management system, similar to MySQL. As the name implies, it uses standard SQL syntax for database interaction. ...
Apache Subversion (SVN) Subversion (SVN) is a powerful, centralized version control system that stores source code and allows changes to it to be tracked over tim...
QuarkNet Developers' Wiki This is the Developers' Notebook for the NSF funded QuarkNet e Labs education project. The e Labs are a science education project where...
Number of topics: 20

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