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Results from ELabs web retrieved at 20:49 (GMT)

Drupal Commons 2 to Drupal 7 Conversion Meeting 12/05/16 Present: Marge, Liz, Sudha, Kevin Munday, Joel, Ken 1 We shall switch from Drupal Commons 2, which is...
Drupal 6 PHP conflict The version of PHP available on the CRC VMs (running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) is PHP 5.5.9. Drupal 6, upon which Drupal Commons 2 is based, turns o...
(Nov2016) Drupal Upgrade Plan Xeno Media has proposed * Upgrade the site from Drupal Commons 2 (based on Drupal 6) to Drupal 7. The upgraded site will not use...
QuarkNet Developers' Wiki This is the Developers' Notebook for the NSF funded QuarkNet e Labs education project. The e Labs are a science education project where...
Number of topics: 4
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